Meghan Markle's smile makeover: before and after photos

As a former Hollywood actress, it's no surprise that Meghan Markle has a perfect smile. A-listers are known for their pearly white teeth, and the Duchess of Sussex's flawless smile is no exception but are her teeth natural, or has she had work done to achieve her million-dollar smile? HELLO! spoke to leading dentist

As a former Hollywood actress, it's no surprise that Meghan Markle has a perfect smile.

A-listers are known for their pearly white teeth, and the Duchess of Sussex's flawless smile is no exception – but are her teeth natural, or has she had work done to achieve her million-dollar smile? HELLO! spoke to leading dentist Dr. Rhona Eskander to find out if Meghan Markle has veneers, or if her teeth are all her own.

What has Meghan Markle done to her teeth?

Dr. Rhona Eskander of the Chelsea Dental Clinic gave her professional opinion on what Meghan Markle has had done to her teeth… watch her video below for her verdict.

WATCH: Are Meghan Markle's teeth natural?

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Has Meghan Markle had braces?

"If we have a look at Meghan Markle's smile, we can see she's got lovely, white straight teeth, but before her teeth makeover she had what we call a diastema, also known as a little gap between the teeth," says Dr Rhona.

"As you get older your teeth become more crowded, so as you age the gaps between your teeth can close naturally," Dr. Rhona explains. "Meghan might have had orthodontic treatment such as braces to close up the gap and widen her smile."

A wide smile, with eight to ten teeth on show, as with Meghan's smile, is called having full buccal corridors and can be achieved with braces, explains Dr. Rhona.

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Has Meghan Markle had veneers?

"The shape of Meghan's teeth haven't changed that much, so it's unlikely she's had composite bonding or veneers, although, her two front teeth are less dominant and slightly shorter," says Dr Rhona.

"To make the teeth a little bit shorter you can have something cosmetic contouring, which is filing down the teeth to make them a little bit shorter," Dr. Rhona details.

"There's a limit to how much cosmetic contouring you can do, but in Meghan's case, it's likely that she had it done on the two front teeth to make them slightly shorter than they were originally.

"Over time teeth do become shorter naturally as they grind down over time, so it could be a combination of those two things," Dr. Rhona details.

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Has Meghan Markle had her teeth whitened?

In her and Prince Harry's Netflix docuseries, Meghan's teeth looked incredibly white, leading viewers to wonder if the Duchess has had her teeth whitened.

"They are very very white, so it's likely Meghan had professional tooth whitening at the dentist," says Dr. Rhona.

Whatever Meghan does to maintain her perfect smile, it's certainly working!

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